Swift Recovery: Rebuilding after the Plato Center to Elgin, IL Tornado

Welcome to the official blog of Allied Emergency Services! We understand the devastating impact that tornadoes can have on homes and communities. In this blog post, we will provide you with detailed information about the recent tornado that struck Plato Center to Elgin, IL on 7/12/2023 from 6:16 to 6:34 PM CDT. As experts in…

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Devastating Tornado Outbreak Hits Northeast Illinois: Understanding the Impact and Road to Recovery

On July 12, 2023, a powerful tornado outbreak swept through northeast Illinois, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The affected areas, including Huntley, Countryside, La Grange, and more, experienced the wrath of multiple tornadoes, resulting in significant damage to homes, properties, and communities. In this blog post, we delve into the details of…

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Best Practices for Minimizing Wind and Water Infiltration Damage

In this article, we will discuss best practices and recommendations based on existing resources from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Building Science, as well as insights gained from the Mitigation Assessment Team (MAT) after Hurricane Michael. Our goal is to help building owners, operators, design professionals, contractors, and municipal officials mitigate wind and water…

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Strengthening Your Home Against Tornado Damage: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to the Allied Emergency Services blog! Today, we delve into the critical subject of tornado damage repair and explore how to fortify your home against these devastating storms. We understand the importance of being well-prepared, and this guide is designed to help you safeguard your home and loved ones. Let’s dive into the topic…

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