Asphalt Shingle Reroofing: Replacement vs. Recover

When you’re faced with the need to reroof your home or commercial property, one of the first decisions you’ll need to make is whether to opt for a complete replacement of your existing asphalt shingles or to simply recover the old ones with a new layer. This decision involves various considerations, including local building codes, the condition of your existing roof, and the long-term performance you expect from your roofing system.

Understanding the Terms


Reroofing refers to either recovering or replacing an existing asphalt shingle roof.

Roof Recover

Roof recover involves installing a new layer of shingles over the existing one. This process does not include the removal of the existing shingles.

Roof Replacement

Roof replacement, on the other hand, entails completely removing the existing shingles, assessing and repairing the underlying decking, and then installing a new layer of shingles.

Guidelines for Decision-Making

When Recovering May Be Suitable

  1. Single Layer of Shingles: If your roof has only one existing layer of shingles that lay flat, and the decking underneath is in good condition, a recover could be a viable option.
  2. Cost-Efficiency: Recovering eliminates the cost and hassle of removing and disposing of the old shingles.
  3. Local Building Codes: Always ensure that recovering is in line with local building codes, which often limit the number of layers allowed on a roof.
  4. Ventilation: Make sure your roof has adequate ventilation. Consult ARMA Technical Bulletin, “Ventilation and Moisture Control for Residential Roofing” for guidelines.

When Replacement is Necessary

  1. Damaged Decking: An inspection revealing rotted or warped wood or large gaps between deck boards will necessitate a complete replacement.
  2. Multiple Layers: Local building codes may require the removal of more than one existing layer of shingles.
  3. Structural Concerns: If your roof shows signs of sagging or structural defects, consult a licensed structural engineer before proceeding.
  4. Existing Shingle Condition: If the old shingles are too uneven or distorted, laying a new layer over them will not be practical.

Consider Professional Assessment

The guidelines above are general recommendations. Every roof is unique, and a thorough assessment by a roofing professional is crucial for making an informed decision that can affect not just the curb appeal but also the long-term integrity of your home or property.


Whether to replace or recover an existing asphalt shingle roof is a significant decision. Make sure to consult with professionals to assess the state of your roof and ensure that you are in compliance with local building codes. Your choice will have a lasting impact on both the aesthetic and functional aspects of your property.

For more information or assistance, our team of experts at Allied Emergency Services, INC is here to provide consultation and restoration services tailored to your needs. Feel free to reach out to us for immediate service.

Contact Information:

  • Phone: 1-800-792-0212
  • Email:
  • Location: Serving Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana with a focus on the greater Chicago area.

If you require immediate assistance or have specific questions, our human support is readily available to help you.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only. For professional advice, consult experts in the field.


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